Thursday, September 23, 2010

Justin Bieber Meets 3 Year Old Girl Cody (Did she cry? See Her Reactions)

Aight This shit is really going to far!!!!!!!

What is wrong with our country?

3 Year old crying over Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber -- Sucking Face with His Opening Act

Justin Bieber -- Sucking Face with His Opening Act

I saw this on the news this morning. Honestly I could care less what females or males this weird kid is kissing, but that's not what the story is here. The reaction of all these little girls on YouTube is shocking, astonishing, and hilarious. There are endless videos of girls ages 6-19 freaking out that Justin is kissing the girl from his video.

It is absolutely insane to see the really young girls freak out about this. when I was six I was still playing with G.I. Joes and Ninja Turtles, I didn't know about any pop phenomenons. I understand that his fan base consists of young girls, I just didn't know they were this young.

Unfortunately, I'm sure this isn't the last will see of young Justin. Although that would be a dream come true for me. When I first heard of this pre-pubescent pop icon I was sickened to hear there was a bidding war between Usher and Justin Timberlake in 2008 resulting in a deal with Island records. I never thought that this would work and Bieber Fever would become the buzz word of the week.

In the end all of us who can't stand this little shit need to learn how to ignore him (as hard as that is). In the meantime I'm going to continue to amuse my self with these videos of young girls freaking out that Bieber is kissing the girl from his videos. Check some of them out, it's seriously ridiculous.

Asylum Lifetime Interview Graph

Hearing the name Asylum Lifetime you don’t know what to expect.  Is it a band?  Is he or she a solo artist?  Is it Death Metal?  “I’m just tryin’ to build, get my name out there, and eventually get to the next level,” said the 27-year-old hip-hop artist.  “I feel like more than ever CTs starten’ to have a little scene.”  Asylum is one of many up-and-coming rap acts making noise in Connecticut.  This new breed of emcees is being headed by Hartford’s Blacastan, one of Asylum’s close friends and colleagues.  “Blacs getten’ a huge buzz, after him I’m commen’ next,” says Asylum.  “He’s featured on my new album Political Asylum droppin’ next month.”

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Question # 5 Libel or Invasion of Privacy

In this instance there is a bit of grey area.  The woman was in public when this happened so it is unclear if she can bring an invasion of privacy or libel lawsuit against the newspaper for printing this picture. 
                There would not be much of a case for libel.  Libel is defined as, “a false or malicious statement published in mainstream media.”  A picture is being printed here not a statement.  So the woman would not have much of a case if she pursued legal action with a libel case.
                This woman could sue and most likely win if she sued for invasion of privacy.  There are a few exceptions to invasion of privacy and this picture falls under one of them.  Invasion of privacy is defined as, “the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity intruded.”  Using this definition the newspaper didn’t violate this woman’s rights.  There are exceptions to the rule.  “Public personages are not protected in most situations since they have placed themselves already within the public eye, and their activities are considered newsworthy.  However, an otherwise non-public individual has a right to privacy from: 1)intrusion into one’s solitude or into one’s personal affairs; 2)public disclosure of embarrassing private information; 3)publicity which puts him/her in a false light to the public; 4)appropriation of one’s name or picture for personal or commercial advantage.”  Number 2 is where the newspaper would run into trouble when this matter was brought to court.  Printing this picture could easily be considered embarrassing information.  This woman could win this case suing for invasion of privacy not libel.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fraggle Rock

Sigmund and the Sea Monsters



Liable, Malice, Reckless.......

Liable, malice, and reckless endangerment are probably the three most important words to any journalist.  These are things you must be aware of when writing in a journalistic environment.  The text book definition of Liable is, “legally responsible: you are liable for the damage caused by your action.”  We must be aware of this when writing anything about any individuals.  Fact checking is imperative in regards to liable.  If you fact check consistently and are sure what you’re printing is true you should not have a problem with liable.  The definition of malice is, “the desire to do harm or mischief.”  If you are attempting to commit malice in the world of print for any reason be sure your career will be short lived.  This is something anyone who wants to be a serious journalist should have no problem with.  There may be things we want to write and print about people we don’t like, but it’s immoral and illegal in this case.  Reckless Endangerment is defined as, “reckless endangerment is a charge which can be filed against people who engage in activity with foreseeable dangerous consequences with a disregard for the danger involved.”  This is different than malice.  It doesn’t directly involve any individuals but can be dangerous for people in general.  This is what the American government would have considered what Daniel Ellsberg was doing with the Pentagon Papers.  All three of these things are probably the most important things for any journalist to be aware of.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Florida Pastor

This week nothing dominated the news more than Pastor Terry Jones and his despicable claim that he would burn Korans on the anniversary of 9/11 this year.  This was news and the media must report on such things, especially when they are so absurd.  The only problem is all the attention this man has gotten has empowered him in some way.  His parish is comprised of a mere 50 members.  That barely constitutes a parish!  Now everyone in the world knows of this man and his dastardly plan.

Regardless, what he planned to do was tasteless and appalling.  The question has arisen, does he have the right to do this, even though it is extremely offensive to most people, not just Muslims.  If we were to take away his right to do this than it would be fair to take away the Imam's right to build a Mosque at Ground Zero, this all begins to create a very slippery slope.  This is reminiscent of a case we spoke about in class this week concerning the Neo-Nazis marching in Skokie Illinois.  Although what these people stand for is ludicrous and truly disgusting under out constitution they have the right to do it.  At the same time we have the right to ignore them.  Which is what all logical Americans should do whenever idiots like this try and make a name for themselves in the worst way possible.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Female Doctor stuck in Chimney

An article I found interesting involved a 49 year old California women who was a doctor in an "on again, off again" relationship with a man.  For some reason she was attempting to break in, or sneak, into this man's home.  She attempted to forcefully enter the home with a shovel, but decided the chimney would give her easier access.  Unfortunately for her she was wrong,  and was found dead by by a house sitter who noticed an odd smell and liquids coming from the chimney.

This article is strange and disturbing for many different reasons.  You would think that a doctor would have enough sense to not climb into a chimney.  In general, you would like to think a doctor of any sort is more mentally stable than to enter a house through a chimney.  After reading this article I found many other articles about people trying to slide down chimneys, often during the holidays.  This makes it even more shocking that a doctor would attempt something that is known to be extremely dangerous or even deadly.