Thursday, September 23, 2010

Justin Bieber -- Sucking Face with His Opening Act

Justin Bieber -- Sucking Face with His Opening Act

I saw this on the news this morning. Honestly I could care less what females or males this weird kid is kissing, but that's not what the story is here. The reaction of all these little girls on YouTube is shocking, astonishing, and hilarious. There are endless videos of girls ages 6-19 freaking out that Justin is kissing the girl from his video.

It is absolutely insane to see the really young girls freak out about this. when I was six I was still playing with G.I. Joes and Ninja Turtles, I didn't know about any pop phenomenons. I understand that his fan base consists of young girls, I just didn't know they were this young.

Unfortunately, I'm sure this isn't the last will see of young Justin. Although that would be a dream come true for me. When I first heard of this pre-pubescent pop icon I was sickened to hear there was a bidding war between Usher and Justin Timberlake in 2008 resulting in a deal with Island records. I never thought that this would work and Bieber Fever would become the buzz word of the week.

In the end all of us who can't stand this little shit need to learn how to ignore him (as hard as that is). In the meantime I'm going to continue to amuse my self with these videos of young girls freaking out that Bieber is kissing the girl from his videos. Check some of them out, it's seriously ridiculous.

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