Sunday, September 12, 2010

Florida Pastor

This week nothing dominated the news more than Pastor Terry Jones and his despicable claim that he would burn Korans on the anniversary of 9/11 this year.  This was news and the media must report on such things, especially when they are so absurd.  The only problem is all the attention this man has gotten has empowered him in some way.  His parish is comprised of a mere 50 members.  That barely constitutes a parish!  Now everyone in the world knows of this man and his dastardly plan.

Regardless, what he planned to do was tasteless and appalling.  The question has arisen, does he have the right to do this, even though it is extremely offensive to most people, not just Muslims.  If we were to take away his right to do this than it would be fair to take away the Imam's right to build a Mosque at Ground Zero, this all begins to create a very slippery slope.  This is reminiscent of a case we spoke about in class this week concerning the Neo-Nazis marching in Skokie Illinois.  Although what these people stand for is ludicrous and truly disgusting under out constitution they have the right to do it.  At the same time we have the right to ignore them.  Which is what all logical Americans should do whenever idiots like this try and make a name for themselves in the worst way possible.

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