Monday, November 29, 2010

Wiki Leaks VS US Government

After things in U.S. history such as Watergate, the Kennedy Assassination, and the Pentagon Papers is it any surprise our government is doing things like this.  These situations are not conspiracy.  A lot of people like to brush it off as such for a plethora of different reasons.  They still have an undying love for America and what it stands for and, “How can you question the greatest nation on Earth,” is their attitude.  Some people think it is all right for the U.S. to do these things and it is wrong for reporters to put the country in a negative light.  Whatever the reason may be Wiki leaks did the right thing.

I personally don’t think any information should be released that will put any intelligence agents in any physical danger.  Although the journalists who run Wiki leaks have proven they could care less.  Exposing the country for what they are at any cost is their goal. 

Young men and women who are in the field are the only individuals who deserve to have an opinion on these matters.  All these pompous journalists think they’re saving the world by doing things like this.  Well the fact is, they could be saving the world and jeopardizing another innocent persons life. 

Their rebuttal to this would no doubt be that we take innocent lives on a daily basis, and exposing documents such as this proves it.  Of course this is true, but rather than attack them by doing something that is border line unethical, they could expose information that shows the U.S. has done shady things throughout this wartime.  And refrain from publishing information that will risk anyone else’s life.

I’m sure there is information damming to the U.S., but not dangerous for any intelligence agents.  That is the only information that should be published.

I fully agree with exposing our government for the liars they are but not at the cost of another human’s life.

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