Monday, December 6, 2010

Check Out Ultimate Video

If you’re ever in the market for rare and obscure films, Ultimate Video is the best place in the area for just this.  In business now for over 25 years Ultimate has 33 different specialty sections of film.  Whether you like Horror, Comedy, Drama; or even more obscure genres such as Martial Arts, Science Non-Fiction, or Cult Classics you must check out Ultimate Video.
                Other then the amazing collection of film contained in the store, they also carry a wide variety of food and drinks geared toward the raw food vegan community.  An impressive assortment of nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and supplements; not to mention carrot and mango juices surround the front counter of the store beside the generic snacks you see in a video store such as candy and popcorn.
                The store is owned by a family who is native to Brookfield and ran by the mother of the family Diana Rosel, who has lived an amazing life that brought her to the point of providing this service to her community.  About seven years ago Diana, who was overweight at the time, was diagnosed with cancer.  At first she tried to use conventional medicine to cure her disease, but when that didn’t work she decided to try an alternative cure in holistic medicine and extreme change in her diet.  She went raw food vegan about five and a half years ago and since then her cancer has gone into remission and she has lost over a hundred pounds.
                Ultimate video wasn’t always a place you could pick up this style of food.  “We would be eating in the store and people would ask us ‘what is that? It looks good’ so we slowly started to bring in left over’s and give them to some of our customers that seemed to be really interested in our diet.  Eventually more and more people wanted this food so we began to sell things in the store that you could prepare this food with,” she said.  Before she chooses this way of life she said she often would be very tired and lazy after she ate a meal.  Now she has energy all the time and feels much healthier.  “I would recommend the things we eat here to anyone that feels sick, depressed or has a health issue, and just watch the results.”  With a growing concern in the world to be green and try and be as healthy as possible Ultimate video provides a service that is nowhere to be found in this area.
                Being an avid film addict is what initially persuaded Diana and her family to open the store.  Nowadays with things such as Netflix and the internet, the movie rental business is definitely hurting.  “Everything’s changing at a rapid rate in our society, but I think people still appreciate going with their family to the video store and renting something going home and watching it together.  It’s the cheapest and most fun form of entertainment a family can have, which is something you need with the recession were in.”
                Diana’s ultimate goal with the store is to make her customers happy.   “We really started carrying the harder to find stuff when our customers would ask ‘do you have this? Or can you get this?’ kind of the same way we started carrying the live food.”  She feels entertainment is one of the best ways to help a society; she also expresses her love for all people and the joy she receives when she can help them, whether it’s their diet or their choice in film.
                Already having accomplished many amazing feats in her life and accommodating individuals with something the community is totally lacking, Diana is someone anyone from this area should meet and she would be happy to meet them.  If you ever have the time take a trip down Federal Road stop in and say hi.

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