Monday, December 6, 2010

Rosemary's Texas Taco

If you’re ever in the mood for authentic Mexican food in the area, which is rather hard to come by in the North-East, you must check out Rosemary’s Texas Taco on Rte. 22 in Paterson New York.  From the outside Rosemary’s Texas Taco looks like an obscure small home, but on the inside it gets even weirder.
            Rosemary herself, a Texas native, has an image that is unforgettable for any of her patrons.  Now in her early 80’s Rosemary still dons a very punk rock style to the way she dresses and presents herself.  She still has dyed blue hair, which she used to often wear in a Mo-Hawk, accompanied by eccentric gothic style make up and clothing that she most likely purchased at a salvation army. 
Her establishment also has a very original look to it on the inside.  The walls are covered in memorabilia from 80’s punk rock, new wave, and even the Rockabilly era.  She also has a pet parrot in the back room of the restaurant which recites curse words back to patrons if you entice it to.  Accompanying the imaginative decor of the restaurant is the Westconn radio station WXCI; she always has this radio station playing during hours of operation.  When you first enter you will hear her signature greeting of, “hey ya’ll.”
The food of Texas Taco is as greasy and disgusting as it is delicious.  Anyone who enjoys real Tex-Mex style food should try it.  The menu is quite small, “It’s about quality not quantity,” Michael McDermott a regular patron of the restaurant said.  She makes up with her lack of variety with flavor and authenticity of her food.  “The Tacos and burritos are so spicy they nearly burn your mouth off, but I can’t stop eating them,” Michael also remarked of her eatables.
            If you ever have a craving for real Mexican food, Rosemary’s Texas Taco is the only place in the area to find it.  You might think the inside of the eatery is quite unconventional, but once you try the food it won’t matter and you’ll realize it truly adds to the experience.

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