Monday, December 6, 2010

2Pac Murder still unsolved, possible conspiracy?

The death of Tupac Amuru Shakur is a mystery in itself, but within that mystery spawns many other ideas of how he died, why he was killed, or if he is actually deceased.  Tupac was arguably the first Hip Hop Superstar of his caliber.  Many rappers never reach the level of success Tupac saw in his lifetime, having a prolific career in both music and film.  He has gone on to sell more records since his untimely death than while he was living.  There are so many different conspiracy theories surrounding his death it’s hard to figure out where to begin.  Let’s first start the night he was shot.
                Tupac was fatally shot on Sept. 7th 1996; in the passenger’s seat of his BMW on the night of a Mike Tyson fight in Las Vegas, Nevada, while his record companies CEO Marion “Suge” Knight was driving his car.  Earlier that night, both men and their entourage had been involved in a fight in the lobby of the MGM Grand casino.  The man they jumped was Orlando Anderson, a high profile member of the Compton, California, street gang The Crips.  Suge Knight was a high-profile member of the Compton street gang The Bloods, so there had been some bad blood between the two men or their respected organizations.  After Tupac was shot five times and a bullet grazed Suge’s head, they rushed to the hospital where Tupac was in a coma for seven days before he passed away on September 13th 1996 Orlando Anderson was the lead suspect in the shooting but there was never enough substantial evidence to hold him and he was shot to death in a gang shoot out in Compton in 1998.  Tupac was then cremated the day after his death; this is where all the questions start.
                During Tupac’s career he made many references to Niccolo Machiavelli, the Italian writer and philosopher, actually renaming himself Makaveli on his posthumous album Makavelli: the Don Killuminati: the 7 Day Theory.  In Niccolo Machiavelli’s writing, he spoke of faking his own death as a
military strategy.  Many believe Tupac was inspired by this to fake his own death.( )  The title of the album The Don Killuminati: the 7 Day Theory alone raises many questions.  Tupac was shot on the seventh of September but died on the 13th; that’s seven days.  On the cover of the album, Tupac is depicted being crucified, which many have believed to be a sign he will resurrect himself within seven years, which has already passed so there is no merit to this theory.( )  But the number seven also raises many questions in this mysterious case.  Of course there is the matter of Tupac passing away seven days after he was shot.   Another interesting fact is Tupac was shot five times out of 12 bullets that were fired into his vehicle, the number seven again, which is also a bizarre coincidence because Tupac had been shot earlier in his career in New York where he was also hit with five bullets.( )    The title of the album The Don Killuminati: the 7 day Theory is interesting as well.  You can rearrange the lettering and it will say “Ok on the 7th day you think I’m dead yet I’m really alive.”( )  On the inside cover of the album, it says “exit 2pac enter Makaveli war time” Was this a sign?  Again, the day Tupac was shot was September seventh.( )  Is this coincidence or was this a brilliant plan orchestrated to remove one of the most popular men in America at this time from the public eye?
                Attention must be brought to the video Tupac had recently filmed before his untimely death.  The song titled “I Aint' Mad at Cha”, which was premiered the week Tupac died, depicted him being shot in the beginning with one of his friends, very similar to what actually happened the night he was fatally shot.  He is then rushed to the hospital and dies in the video.  In Heaven he meets up with many different black musicians who had passed away and they are accepting him into their ranks.   Was this just a coincidence or was it an omen Tupac foreseeing his own death?
                There are also many theories that say Suge Knight was behind Tupac’s murder.  It is very questionable, because Suge was driving Tupac’s car and he was only grazed with one bullet.  Another
interesting piece of information is Tupac always wore a bullet proof vest, he wasn’t wearing it the night of the Tyson fight and there are vast rumors that a surveillance tape exists showing Suge telling Tupac to loosen up and not wear the vest tonight.( )  The man that Suge and Tupac jumped that night was Suge’s rival not Tupacs.( )  Did Suge insight the fight to make it look like Orlando Anderson shot Tupac as revenge?  There are also many rumors that Biggie Smalls, a rapper from New York who Tupac had been feuding with at the time, had Tupac killed.  Biggie was in Vegas the night of the fight; he and his entourage were known to use Crips as protection.( )  This theory raises some questions but it does not have as many coincidences as the others.
                Mark Fenster’s book Conspiracy Theories presents many different thoughts on the topic of government cover-ups.  He states that many conspiracies throughout U.S. history are intertwined, if in fact they are true.  His comparison between the Warren Commission and the 9-11 Commission shows that if conspiracies actually do exist they all affect each other.  This would also make sense in the case of Tupac.  The government would never want a free thinker who may inspire young people to question authority to have a voice.  Just as JFK was murdered so was Tupac, and just as the JFK assassination investigation Tupac’s murder investigation is surrounded in questions and mysteries.  If conspiracies and government cover-ups do exist, the government has their hand in much more than the general public can fathom.
                The most evidence presented through the various conspiracy theories points to Tupac faking his own death to one day return.  Many believed he was paying homage to Nichollo Machiavelli, who Tupac had looked up to greatly near the end of his career.  The many coincidences that appear involving the number 7 do raise some interesting questions, and definitely add to the lore of his murder.  It has been so long since he passed away it is safe to say he is not coming back.  After reviewing all the different evidence and scenarios put forth surrounding the mysterious unsolved murder of Tupac Shakur, none of the theories hold much merit.  It’s cool and interesting to read about, all the coincidences between 2pac and Niccolo Machiavelli definitely raise some thought.  Unfortunately 2pac is dead and the entertainment industry lost one of its brightest stars.  He serves as a martyr in the Hip Hop community and will always be remembered through his music.
Tupac Amaru Shakur

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