Monday, December 6, 2010

JFK assasination revisted

There are many different factors that are involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  An amazing web has been woven involving the bizarre circumstances that lead to that moment of November 22nd, 1963.  Lee Harvey Oswald’s origin alone is surrounded by questions that will never be answered because three days after Kennedy was assassinated Oswald was gunned down by Dallas mafia associate Jack Ruby, which raises even more questions about who was really behind what became the murder of the century.  Truly it was a government conspiracy that has been covered up and shrouded in mystery ever since, with the Warren Commission a complete joke of an investigation.  JFK was assassinated by higher-ups we couldn’t even begin to fathom, a secret society that has run this country and possibly the world for years was unquestionable the party who called for the murder to be committed.
            Let’s start with Posner’s book Case Closed, in which the author, Gerald Posner, claims that Lee Harvey Oswald acted solely in the assassination of JFK.  The book in itself is a good read, but his arguments can be turned around and used against him to support the other side.  Oswald was an amazing character in himself, most of the information that can be gathered on him shows he must have been more than just a loose cannon who killed the president because he was a Marxist.  Oswald himself said “I’m a patsy,” showing there was more to this murder.  Of course critics of the theory that Oswald was more than the government wanted to us to believe he was would say he was crazy so nothing he said mattered anyway.  This may be true but none of us will ever know because of the murder of Oswald which happened just a couple days after the Kennedy assassination.  If you really look into what Posner is saying in this book it almost seems like he is a part of the cover up himself.  In reality Posner is making a rebottle to the book Crossfire, by Jim Marrs, which shows consistent evidence that we should at lat ask more questions about what occurred on November 22nd, 1963.  Rather than Posner telling us he is positive that Oswald acted alone in the murder, Marrs just presents evidence and asks us to draw our own conclusion.
            When Jim Garrison meats Donald Southerland’s character X in Oliver Stone’s film JFK, X describes an intricate plot devised by J Edgar Hoover and Lyndon B Johnson to assassinate the president so they could stay in Vietnam.  What X says here is really what Jim Marrs’s opinion seems to be on the whole case.  The Film was based on the information that Marrs’s had discovered involving the case.  If nothing else Jim Marrs is asking us to just review the facts, because the government wants us to just accept what the say even though in his words it’s “bologna.” 
            In his book he illustrates how Oswald could have been spy, “The following is a quick look at some of the evidence pointing to Oswald’s involvement with spy work, His child hood, his marine career, his incredible ability with Russian language, etc.”(Crossfire, Marrs Pg. 189)  Marrs has a long list of different facts about Oswald that prove he had to be more than just a disgruntled guy who hated the president.  This list alone discredits Posner’s whole book. 
            Marrs also illustrates the hatred Hoover and Johnson had for the Kennedy family when an old college over theirs Sullivan reports, “Johnson and Hoover had their mutual hatred of the Kennedys in common-and more.  As neighbors in Washington since the days when Johnson was a senator from Texas, they had been frequent dinner guests in each other’s homes.” (Crossfire Marrs Pg. 223)  Showing not only the hatred but also the fear they had.  Other than that this proves these two men were close and had been working together for years.  In the end Hoover and Johnson were just pawns in a larger scheme that has controlled this country and the world for centuries.
            The freemasons that started this country wanted to replicate the Illuminati, they wanted their lineage to live on and control this country forever.  Kennedy was the only president who was not a White Anglo Saxon Protestant, he was Roman Catholic.  This changed everything for the freemasons now an outsider was in control and had to be stopped.  Hoover and Johnson were simply scapegoats in this plot just as the Cubans, the Mafia, and Oswald himself all were.  The people of this country really liked Kennedy and he wanted to make a real difference in the world, but that would have jeopardized the Illuminati’s control over the world economy and being the largest super power in the world.       
            The counter argument to something like this is of course its crazy, but how crazy is it really?  There’s no way there is this many coincidences in the assassination, just as there is no way there can be this many coincidences in the Kennedy assassination.  People still care today to research what happened that day because there is more to it then the government would like to believe.  They have also admitted it in 1976 when the Rockefeller commission came out, claiming they still thought it was Oswald but a conspiracy was involved.  The Warren Commission was nothing more than a document to keep the public satisfied, and it was completely in accurate.
            We will never really know what, why, or the true reason President John F Kennedy was murdered.  It will continue to be studied for generation after generation, showing us we cannot believe everything our leaders tell us.

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